Summer 2011 InSPIRE program

Below is a message I received re: an interesting opportunity to visit India. Please forward to anyone you think may be interested!:

My name is Ayesha Kazim and I am writing on behalf of InSPIRE, the Indian Summer Program Inspiring Reflective Exploration.  InSPIRE is a non-partisan, non-religious 5-week long immersion program that reconnects young South Asians from abroad to India. InSPIRE programs are designed to build principled leadership, provide hands-on experience in the development sector in India and inspire collective and individual action amongst participants. (Refer to for more information).

The InSPIRE team is currently reaching out to active South Asian organizations all over the US and Canada to spread the word about a program that has the potential to change lives. That’s why we wanted to contact you – before our March 18th application deadline – so you can forward this information on to the NASALSA membership at your respective universities.

I personally would love to see more students flocking to opportunities that allow them to connect on a deeper level with like-minded people that are out to change the world. If you can relate to that, we would appreciate if you could forward the blurb below to your listserv (and any friends you think would be interested!).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In service,
Ayesha Kazim

InSPIRE Yourself. 

What are you doing this summer? How about something meaningful in India?
The InSPIRE application is due on March 18! Spread the word to your friends… you may introduce them to an opportunity that changes their life!

India Summer Program Inspiring Reflective Exploration

QUESTION assumptions.
EXPLORE your values.
CONNECT to your roots.
RELATE to humanity.
LIVE what you believe.
Download your application today at
Applications due March 18.

InSPIRE College is a 5-week long summer program in India for South Asians between the ages of 18 and 24, who are genuinely interested in exploring themselves and India. (Age exceptions considered. Inquire within.)

2011 Program Dates: July 6 to August 12 

It is a travel, study-abroad, volunteer, self-discovery and immersion program all rolled into one!

Check us out on Facebook!
Watch our Video

For more information, please email us at

Ayesha Kazim
InSPIRE Outreach Team

India Summer Program Inspiring Reflective Exploration

School of Public Health | May 2009
University of Maryland, College Park

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